Saturday, August 16, 2008

#13 Diaper wipes

I thought while I was on the subject of diapers, I would include some things that go along with cloth diapering. If you're using all cloth diapers, it really doesn't make sense to keep using those disposable wipes! You can use the same wipes containers that you have. They are available for purchase if you choose, or if you are like me, just use what you have available. My wipes are a mixture of baby washcloths that I never used, cut up burp rags that had holes, and a few other ratty washcloths. You can find a recipe for diaper wipe solution online. Or, if it doesn't bother you, just use water. I mostly just use water. Yuck? Well, to each his own-- you can choose how you want to handle it.

Pros: Very cheap, in fact free if you make your own out of what you have. No wipes to be thrown out, and you can just wash them with the diapers. Also, no plastic packaging that comes with store-bought wipes. Store-bought wipes have always seemed to irritate my baby's skin-- using home-made is very gentle to baby's bottom.

Cons: A little less convenient to have to make your own. I sometimes get too much or too little liquid in the container, and my baby likes to get into them and pull them all out (not that this is much different from disposable wipes.)


NW Varneys said...

We use simple baby washcloths and one-layer flannel wipes here. I just wet a stack of wipes, and squeeze it out so they are just moist wipes in the container. I don't add anything else for pee diapers, but do use a spray of California Baby Diaper Area Wash (currently) for the other diapers. Easy.

smbwallace said...

We received a lot of store-bought baby washcloths with this last baby and that's what I use for diaper wipes. I just keep them stacked up dry in a drawer and wet them when he needs to be changed. It's wonderful -- so much easier on his sensitive skin and it has saved us so much money!