Sunday, August 10, 2008

#12 Time to go cloth!

Cloth diapers have become a big issue lately. I decided to post about it today because I just read this at 5 minutes for going green. I have to tell you that even after making the switch from almost all other disposable paper/plastic products, I resisted the cloth diapers. After all, I was on my last child, he was several months old already, and cloth diapers are ICKY! Right? Well thanks to my friend Julie, I made the switch anyway. I had the advantage of trying out all of her different types of diapers that her oldest was out of and baby hadn't grown into yet. They really aren't that bad. A little extra stink, a little extra laundry, but over all a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. And trust me, my child has not been the easiest child to diaper. He is an extremely heavy wetter and blow-out pooper. Because of this, most AIO's (all-in-ones) and pocket diapers don't work for him. So I use prefolds with a doubler (I use microfiber washcloths) and good quality velcro covers. No pins, no snappis, just stuff it all in there and close up the velcro. Oh, and the biodegradable flushable poop-catching liners are a HUGE help (no dunking or spraying). There is a lot that goes into choosing your diapers and getting started. The best way is to find someone who uses them to get information (and I have never known anyone who uses them and doesn't want to convert all moms to using them.) There are also a lot of websites out there that may be helpful. Try this one to get some good info. My favorite site for buying diapering supplies is . I have even tried to make my own AIO diapers. They turned out okay-- but unfortunately did not work for my child.
Even if you just want to use them part of the time, like when you are at home, it is definitely worth it and will save you money.
Here is my baby with his cloth diapers doubling as a swimsuit.

Pros: Cloth diapers are reusable, long-lasting (very high resale value too!), soft, cute, chemical-free, and may help your child potty train more easily. The estimated savings per child is $2000 to $3000. And then there are the thousands of diapers that won't be headed to the landfill

Cons: The stink is worse, but not from poop-- the wet diapers can smell very strongly of ammonia. A little more laundry-- but who with a baby isn't doing laundry all the time anyway? The initial cost can be high. I suggest you try Craig's list for some used ones. For my child, it requires extra diaper changes because he wets so heavily. I keep disposables on hand for emergencies and traveling.

1 comment:

NW Varneys said...

You're welcome. I try to hold back on converting the whole world, but when someone is interested, boy, that's fun! :)