Monday, December 22, 2008

#35 Craig's list is your Holiday friend

Yes, I've already posted about shopping yard sales and thrift stores. This is similar, but I am giving this it's own post because of the relation to Christmas shopping! There is something about gift giving that makes us all want to run out and buy all new, nice things in all those nice new boxes and plastic packaging. Perhaps that's because there is a stigma associated with giving a used gift that says "cheap" (in a bad way.) I admit, a lot of the gifts I sent off to family were new, but for my own kids-- Ammon is getting an art desk (bought on Craig's list), Talia is getting a home-made wooden chest for dress up clothes (purchased at thrift stores), and Jarom is getting a wooden rocking horse (Craig's list).

Next year I am going to strongly suggest that we make it a rule in my own family's sibling exchange that we buy something used. It really is fun to see what you can come up with for a great price!

Pros:  Cheaper, and a great way to reuse things.  Less waste and less new packaging.

Cons:  Sometimes harder to find what you want.  Sometimes I have to travel farther to get the item I want.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Thanks! I miss hanging out with the Longview Mommies, but I love being back in Vancouver. Have a Merry Christmas!